
XenForo 2.1.15 Patch 1

Нет прав для скачивания
Популярный форумный движок.
  • Исправление ошибок
  • Важно, в данном обновлении была устранена проблема связанная с инъекцией HTML-атрибутов, которая может быть вызвана при рендеринге содержимого редактора, например, когда сообщение редактируется или цитируется.
  • Исправление уязвимостей
  • XenForo 2.1.11 теперь доступен для скачивания. Мы рекомендуем всем пользователям, работающим с предыдущими версиями XenForo 2.1, обновиться до данной версии, чтобы повысить стабильность и безопасность работы форума.
  • Большое количество доработок и исправлений
  • Обновление безопасности форума
  • Attempt to merge reactions when merging posts
  • Only hydrate autoIncrement relation fields if there is no value in the parent entity. If the field has a value in the parent, an exception is now thrown.
  • Use \ZipArchive::OVERWRITE flag when creating add-on zip to maintain compatibility with newer libzip versions
  • Ensure more consistent sorting is used for class extensions, code event listeners and template modifications.
  • Fix method checking when looking for API methods with versions appended.
  • Use optimal batch sizing when rebuilding templates and phrases.
  • Don't allow moderators to delete / edit warnings they have given if they have no permission to.
  • Update GitHub OAuth implementation to use header authorisation.
  • Handle rebuilding the active warning points in the User rebuild job.
  • Supress warnings when closing file pointer after copying file
  • Ensure a boolean value is returned when checking viewing permissions for conversations.
  • When importing deletion log entries, ensure the username and reason do not exceed the allowed max lengths.
  • Update register navigation item to ensure registration is enabled
  • Add widget data attributes to expanded new thread widget
  • Only fetch member stat results once on the overview page
  • Allow connected account providers to provide additional auth params
  • Only enqueue a reaction score rebuild when a reaction's score has changed, and simply rebuild scores for all reactions
  • Correctly identify Android version in the attachment manager
  • Upgrade jQuery to 3.4.1.
  • Validate parent IDs correctly when inserting tree structured data.
  • Prevent spam cleaner error when deleting a thread started by a spammer which has a redirect thread pointing to it.
  • Add a content template for user reports to improve extensibility.
  • Prioritize quick reply editor when multi-quoted quotes are inserted.
  • Add a minimum width to user change log cells
  • Add account email check to various places before sending mail
  • Offset the select-to-quote tooltip whenever touchevents are supported.
  • When rendering an unfurl do not double escape the proxied version of the URL.
  • Force max length constraint when handling a user ban reason.
  • Re-implement shortening of display text for very long URLs.
  • Log moderator attachment deletions to the moderator log.
  • Display error when trying to add template modification when not in development mode.
  • Workaround an issue with multiple color pickers which could prevent some color pickers from behaving as expected.
  • When previewing, ensure that sticky form submit rows stay stuck to the right place.
  • When importing paid subscriptions from vBulletin ensure user group changes are correctly logged.
  • Add a separate 'following' phrase for members others follow
  • Check preg_last_error() when processing template modifications
  • Improve news feed handler attachment handling
  • Prevent an error related to cache clearing of entity relations with an empty condition.
  • Reverse some changes related to template editing syntax highlighting which may actually break syntax highlighting entirely in some cases.
  • Echo a list of allowed extensions back in the error message given when a file that does not have an allowed extension is uploaded.
  • Include file and line number in exception XML response
  • Throw an error exception when a ban fails to apply
  • Handle failed bans in the warning point change service
  • Ensure that emoji conversions are done as expected for all characters.
  • Prevent a URL parsing error when following an HTTP request redirect to a path that starts with a "/" and contains a ":".
  • Improve styling of responsive data lists, particularly with checkboxes that have headings
  • Allow attachment data manipulation before copying files
  • Implement search source method to determine if a query is empty
  • Do URL canonicalization on the contact page and ensure that we link to misc/contact consistently (no trailing slash).
  • Исправление ошибок с безопасностью
  • Исправление ошибок
  • Исправление ошибок и доработка функционала
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